Sunday 6 July 2008

Sad news make you think

Yesterday a dear friend of our was found dead in h
is flat. He had died from a heart attack at 40 :(
After letting it sink in for a few hours I found myself questioning my life.
Someones sad death has way of showing us all that we are all here just the once.
A couple of days ago I took the risk of emailing some mushing schools and seeing if I can volunteer in their kennels in exchange for loadings and food.
So any how the day our friend died I got a reply to say thanks for sending the details they had asked for, cv, photo, short biography, etc.
And that they are having a board meeting next week to decide and will let me know asap.
From the emails it all sounded very positive.
But.... I was having doubts leaving my family for up to a month to follow an invaluable experience.
and feeling a bit selfish. Well after yesterdays events I have decided that I will follow this up. I have other irons in the fire if the first one I applied to doesn't need me.
I would like to run my own teams of dogs, there is no better way to get hands on experience.
I think i`m trying to say is that our friends death has been a wake up call to "live".
God Bless and look after you Carl.

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