Sunday 13 July 2008

nearly 2 weeks ago I booked Kai in to get his hip score done and while we where there he had his rear dew claw removed.
I am still waiting for the results of the hip score and his wound from the dew claw removal has healed really nicely.
I have also enquired about some ring craft classes in our area and found one in the next town so I'm trying to do some more obedience training with Kai to see if he will be able to be around so many dogs.
We have three dogs, the two Sibes I post about on here and a collie cross who is a 13 yrs old male, called Barney.
For the first year of Kai`s life all dogs got on well but once Kai turned 1 there has been some scuffles between the two males.
We are all trying hard to stop this. I have mistakenly separated the dogs one male in the house one outside and taking this in turns. I have now realised that they need to be together a lot more so we have brought muzzles for them both and bring them both in for a short time. I hope this will socialize them to each other more and the aggression will ease up.
If anyone out there has any advice I would appreciate it.

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